Tuesday, February 2, 2010

questions for God

when i was about 7 years old, i had a list of questions i wanted buried with me so i could remember to ask God when i got to heaven
now i have no clue where that list is, but i still have some questions :)
here are a few...
1-since Jesus was perfect and never sinned, was mary in pain when she delivered him?
(that one prompted me to think of my questions)
2-again, since Jesus was perfect, did he cry and scream at night? (i don't see this as sin but i know some people say that kids are showing their sin nature when they scream...before they can talk)
3-how hard did you cry when Jesus was nailed to the cross?
4-why did you allow Jesus to die on the cross when you knew that so many would turn and reject him? i know that i don't think i could allow sophia to die for people if they would later reject her and not care at all
just a few thoughts i had and figured i would put them down before i forgot again

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