Sunday, December 27, 2009

travelin man

these last few weeks have been LONG-in both good and bad ways
we traveled from the 18th to the 24th to south carolina to see my family and was great to see people! seeing old friends and their kids/families was awesome!
we got to see all my dad's brothers and grandpa t...that was fun and seemed to encourage my grandpa (his alzheimer's is getting worse :( )
then we went over to florence, south carolina to see my mom's family
we got to see everyone on that side except uncle mike and his kids :( but it was great to see everyone else!!!
then we made it home in a one day LONG stretch...sophia was fine until we hit indianapolis (about 2 1/2 - 3 hours from home) then she really lost it about 15 min from home and NOTHING would pacify her :( poor little one! but a 12 hour stretch was impressive for her
the bad part was sophia started teething while on our trip...which has gotten more intense over the past few days resulting in crankiness, diarrhea, and harder nap times
but good news, i think she is back to sleeping through the nite! oh i missed that!


  1. Thanks so much for making the trip down! I know it was a lot of work for you guys but it was SO great to see you and to meet precious Sophia! Again, thanks for all your hard work and sacrifice in coming - I know that MANY people were blessed by seeing you - including ME! :)

  2. thanks ashley! it was sooo good to see everyone (especially you!) and thanks for having us over for brunch!
