Saturday, September 19, 2009


today i felt guilty
well to be honest i've been feeling guilty about today for the last week...
my good friend amelia had her bachelorette party in fort wayne (about 45 minutes away)
i planned on going but kept feeling guiltier and guiltier as the day approached
how could i call myself a good mom if i plan on leaving my baby? and would she take a bottle? would she cry all night long (or all 4 1/2 hours long) and drive john crazy?
it's one thing for her to cry for me because if i can't find any other answer to her crying, i can always offer her the boob...john can't quite do that one
thankfully i have an excellent husband and he encouraged me to go out with my friends for awhile...he knew he could handle it/her
he did well, a little stressed but a good job
she cried for awhile for him, had a tough time with the bottle, then cried herself to sleep, took another bottle, then when i got home she was laying in her crib just talking and happy
it made me feel a little better about returning to work on october 7th
still nervous but it makes me a little more at ease
so thank you to my wonderful husband who did an excellent job with sophia tonight without me
and thank you to God for answering my prayers that she would not be blood-curdling screaming...because if she had been, i may have cried
and now she's asleep and i'm going to bed too...overall a successful day :)

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